>NULL: April 2024

Wednesday 24 April 2024

Adding SQLSERVERAGENT permission on certificate private keys

The format to use is NT Service\SQLSERVERAGENT

Set the Location to the local machine rather than the domain.

Monday 22 April 2024

Scheduled Wake on LAN (WoL) via crontab on Mango router

I wanted my pc to boot up each workday at 08:50, so decided to use my Mango router as it's already on the network and runs OpenWRT.

  1. Install etherwake via: http://<mango-IP>/cgi-bin/luci/admin/system/opkg

  2. Use: https://crontab.guru/#50_8_*_*_1-5 to find the crontab timing.

  3. SSH to the Mango router and run the following command to find the name of your LAN interface that can see the target PC.
    IP a

  4. In http://<mango-IP>/cgi-bin/luci/admin/system/crontab add the following line.
    50 8 * * 1-5 etherwake -b -i br-lan <MAC address of target PC>